Negotiate for the car finance, if you are opting for a car loan. Bargain with several lenders to get the lowest rates and better repayment options. Discuss with several authorized car dealers, who would be able to advise you properly on the model and type you should purchase and also help you with the lenders in car loan.Consider the points like the mileage of the car, the possible future maintenance costs, the insurance costs, and warranties for the car and the parts. The same oil change might cost you $25 for a Toyota, while it might be $100 for a Mercedes Bens. These factors would affect you significantly in the long run, if you do not take them into account in the beginning itself.These are only a few checklists provided for guidance in the purchase of new cars. If you apply your mind, you might be able to think of a few more relevant points that are applicable to you personally. Thinking deeply before the purchase of new cars is always beneficial in the long run.