Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Evolution of the Eclipse

The design of the Mitsubishi Eclipse has been a popular one with younger consumers as it was intended to compete as entry-level sports coupe. The Eclipse itself was originally offered with four different packages. The car is a study in smooth lines, upscale interior and powerful engines all the while retaining the affordability that makes it within reach of up and coming twenty something's. By remaining true to the original style lines that have made the car so popular, Mitsubishi has been able to retain its hold on this portion of the sports coupe market.Named after a racehorse from the eighteenth century that won an astounding 26 races in one year, the sports car has eclipsed most other vehicles in its class.The original two versions of the car were kept very similar to hold down design costs and indeed most parts from these first generations are interchangeable. They are easily identifiable by their pop up headlights, a design that lends sleekness to the cars lines but have a tendency to show problems with the motor responsible for opening the headlights. Although most cars today have converted over to front wheel drive, the Eclipse has not. It has instead retained a rear wheel drive system that has proven to be reliable and needs very little repair. It has been suggested that Japanese auto makers had long been seeking to create their own version of the pony car and indeed many feel that with this Mitsubishi sports coupe that goal has been reached.

Car distractions can have "fatal consequences"

Car insurance policies take into account any penalties issued to drivers and premiums rise accordingly. In fact, the company states that those with convictions for driving carelessly may have to pay 26 per cent more for their policies. The investigations revealed that the most common type of distraction for drivers was the radio, as 77 per cent would take their eyes off the road to change stations. In addition, many of these motorists also admitted to changing CDs while attempting to drive, which could drastically reduce reaction time and cause accidents to occur. Other common habits carried out by motorists include eating behind the wheel, which 26 per cent described as a distracting activity.Drivers who travel with children in their cars may like to make sure they bring toys and activities for youngsters in order to keep them occupied on journeys. Some 34 per cent of car users reported that they lost concentration while looking after the needs of young travellers while they were on the road.Despite laws introduced to cut mobile phone use nearly a third of motorists taking part in the study said they still used their devices when driving. Andy Leadbetter, managing director of the company, urged motorists to pay more attention when they were driving in order to make roads safer and reduce insurance premiums

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Checklist For Purchase Of New Cars

Once you had decided on the type of the car that you need, give a deep thought to the price of the car. The car should suit your budget and income levels. If you are planning for a refinance for the car, the repayments should be affordable for you. The ideal price of a car is considered as 50% of the annual income of a person, according to experts in the auto finance industry. For example, if your annual income is $60,000, then the value of the new car purchased by you should not exceed $30,000.When the type of the car and your budget are clear, hunt carefully for all the cars of different brands that suit these criteria. If you are thinking of a Cadillac CTS, it would be prudent to take a look at similar cars like Nissan G35, Lexus IS, Acura TL and BMW3 also. Study the features of each of these models and go for a test drive of all of them before making a final decision.

Negotiate for the car finance, if you are opting for a car loan. Bargain with several lenders to get the lowest rates and better repayment options. Discuss with several authorized car dealers, who would be able to advise you properly on the model and type you should purchase and also help you with the lenders in car loan.Consider the points like the mileage of the car, the possible future maintenance costs, the insurance costs, and warranties for the car and the parts. The same oil change might cost you $25 for a Toyota, while it might be $100 for a Mercedes Bens. These factors would affect you significantly in the long run, if you do not take them into account in the beginning itself.These are only a few checklists provided for guidance in the purchase of new cars. If you apply your mind, you might be able to think of a few more relevant points that are applicable to you personally. Thinking deeply before the purchase of new cars is always beneficial in the long run.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Save Fuel and Save Money

The best time to think about fuel efficiency is before you buy a car. Generaly, smaller cars will use less gas. And since insurance and taxes are also more of a bother in large cars, it may be wise to buy a little car if you care about the money. Also, among the larger cars, some are better than others. All you have to do is relate to the miles per galon figure that comes with it. Sports cars, by the way, are the best way to make more fuel burn away, and automatic transmission is also a good way of wasting a lot of it.But those seem too obvious. The interesting thing is how to make a given car which you already have in your garage, go further on every single litre. As a rule, you can improve fuel efficiency by as much as 25% simply by changing your driving style, provided that your car has a manual gearbox. Here's what you do: Try to change the gears (up) without the engine going to high RPM - certainly not over 2.5k RPM (2500 rounds per minute). I know a lot of people extend first,second and sometimes even third gear more than that because they want to accumulate speed. This may get you to the next traffic light before the car on the other lane, but there's a price to be paid - paid with a currency called petrol.
As long as you change the gears early you're pretty much maximizing the fuel efficiency of your motorcar. One last tip: Stay away from traffic and don't crawl (using the cluctch) too much. In other words, driving in the city is wasteful where fuel is concerned.
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