When it comes to buying a used car, the best time of year to do so is just after people have updated to this year's models. That way you get a car that is virtually new and has had all its little teething problems ironed out in the first year. You also get it at a drastically reduced price to what the original owners would have paid given that new cars loose a great deal of their value the minute they are driven off the forecourt.With this on the market shortly, it will free up plenty of last years BMW's to the second hand car market.

BMW's that are only one year old will flood the market and be available for anyone touched by the credit crunch or indeed, for anyone not wishing to pay the extortionate prices of a new car.If BMW is not your thing, try an Audi. New or used, Audi are renowned for their reliability, comfort, smooth ride and luxury status. The new Audi RS6 sedan looks pretty compact but hides a twin turbo, five litre V10 engine with 580 horsepower and 479lb - ft of torque. The release of this vehicle, first in the US but bound to make its way across Europe and onto our streets, will free up a plethora of used Audi onto the used car dealer forecourts so be ready to bag yourself a bargain if Audi is to your taste.As much as we would all love a brand, spanking new car, reality hits home with the majority of us.

There are a select group of salary owners that can really afford their own, fully paid up new car. The rest of us will get by on company cars or used cars. But this isn't such a bad thing. We get from A to B and we do it without the expense of a car that has just lost several thousands of pounds by driving one mile down the road. Picking up a used car just after the 2009 models have been released will be a wise investment for many.